"We don't question is exactly our problem..." (Gaines 95).
This is exactly true. Sometimes people of color because we are deprived of some resources we just accept what people tell us. we dont go and look for a deeper meaning or to verify what people say. Its like all we do is believe the "white man" or just the system that is above us at a certain time. For example. we learn many things in school but who is to question a teacher to verify thee facts. we assume its correct because we hope that the teacher is educated and that they were given the job to teach us facts and not made up stories. this goes back to the banking concept of education that i believe emerson talks about. in this method of learning the students are not allowed to question the teacher. they are just to remember the facts. they arent given the opportunity to apply the facts and they are not given any tips on how to think for themselves. its just to preserve the society and keep its status quo "things are the way they have always been" type of idea. i chose this quote because i didnt agree with this form education. everyone should be given the opportunity to question everything that they hear because not everything is true. most is propaganda or just some ideas that people try to impose on you that are not really valid or morally correct.
Emmett Till
Murdered at 14 years old in Money, Mississippi. The spectacle surrounding Till's murder was one of the precipitating events leading to the Civil Rights Movement.
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I believe that this is true because as I said in class this morning people in our society don't question the things we say or do. I mean we all just think that things are set a certain way in life and that we should follow it without question because its supposed to be the right thing. It's always good to be the awkard one and question simple things like "How do you know there's a god?" is it becuase someone taught you or told you to believe in god? People should start questioning things in life and not rely on what other people say just because the assume their right and its the norm in society to believe there's a god.
I agree with questioning things because it's one of the best ways of learning however sometimes it's difficult to question the society which you have always lived in, and are accustomed to. There were probably white people that were against and questioned slavery, however they kept their thoughts to themselves because it could affect their lives greatly if they expressed their ideas against slaverly and they felt as if personally they had nothing to gain. In addiion it's sometimes hard to question everything because then what is their left as solid facts, sometimes faith is the only thing people have to hold them together.
At the same time you must think of colored people as a whole and because people are all different and have different beleives, though the majority may seem to want to question others may think there is no need. is i want some bread, and the white man allows me to obtain that bread and the white man gives me the right to work for the money to buy that bread, then some feel why bother asking for soda? i dont want soda...i want bread and im just fine with my bread.
thanks for saying this... you know, i grew up hating history/social studies a lot becaue i didn't think that anyone who looked like me had contributed a whole lot to history. i mean, of course i knew about martin, malcolm, and rosa, but the information given me was minimal, and seemed insignificant against all of these other great accomplishments from white Americans. it wasn't until college that i really began to question this notion... what did my people contribute? what did other people of color contribute that i don't know about? i'm so glad ya'll are thinking about this and questioning these things now... so many others your age (especially down south) certainly aren't.
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